HSFI Student Interviews

BY Meatpacking BIDPUBLISHED 05.24.2024

As part of the HSFI Fashion Show Senior Showcase, we are excited to present the unique and inspiring work of talented students who have poured their creativity and passion into their designs. Today, we spotlight two standout creators: Rushlin Benefield and Hasseena Atariwa, whose distinctive approaches and inspirations have resulted in captivating pieces that not only reflect this year’s theme, Dark Academia illustrates rebellious students defying their strict school norms by orchestrating a formal ball. Take a look inside their experience below:

Rushlin Benefield:

MTPK: What inspired your work in the senior showcase this year? How have you interpreted this year’s theme?

RB: The stylish trend, Dark Academia, is centered around a subculture concerned with higher education. Subjects like the arts, literature, and architecture highly influenced our designs. My garment in particular focuses on the outcasts of school; the rebellious teens who don’t want to fit the norm.

MTPK: What does it mean to you to present your work live in the Meatpacking District?

RB: To present live at Meatpacking is an honor, and an opportunity I would love to have again.

MTPK: What designers or creators in the world are currently inspiring you? If it’s not a person, where do you draw your inspiration?

RB: As of right now, I have a lot of interest in Thom Browne and Miu Miu.

MTPK: What are your goals in fashion? Where would you like to see your career grow post-high school?

RB: After graduating from HSFI , I plan to go to college at FIT. I look forward to learning new skills, and hopefully become a part of a design house creative team.

MTPK: What are some of your favorite moments during the process of bringing your art to life?

RB: I love every bit of the process, but my favorite has to be stepping back, looking at my garment on the dress form, and taking a breather. I love being able to compare the sketch to the life size.

MTPK: What inspired your work in the senior showcase this year? How have you interpreted this year’s theme?

HA: For this year's showcase, although I didn’t alter it to theme, I had my own theme of “voice” giving my garment a voice that can speak without using actual words.

MTPK: What does it mean to you to present your work live in the Meatpacking District?

HA: It feels like I made it. I feel like getting to walk in the Meatpacking District is a step closer to the recognition that we deserve

MTPK: What designers or creators in the world are currently inspiring you? If it’s not a person, where do you draw your inspiration?

HA: Congo is my inspiration. Congo and Africa in general since that’s where my parents are from.

MTPK: What are your goals in fashion? Where would you like to see your career grow post-high school?

HA: My goal is to spread awareness to more plus-size clothing brands and hopefully starting one myself

MTPK: What are some of your favorite moments during the process of bringing your art to life?

HA: I think my favorite part is bonding with my friends. This process has brought us so close. I love them like family and without them, this process would’ve been so hard.

Join us on the cobblestone runway onMay 29 at 7 PM as the future of fashion takes over Meatpacking. The fashion show is free and open to the public, but seating is on a first-come, first-served basis.

A VIP Reception and Silent Auction will be hosted at the Gansevoort Hotel prior to the fashion show. Tickets for the VIP Reception can be purchased here. A ticket also includes a reserved seat for the fashion show. All proceeds will go toward HSFI student scholarships and initiatives.

Cavelin Sahba

Sarah Chahin




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